Medical Physics 101

الفيزياء الطبية علم إستخدامات النظريلت الفيزيائية في الطب

The department of medical physics provides theoretical and experimental courses,
together with one tutorial session every other week per group, which help first year
students understand Medical sciences relation with physics.

General Objectives of the program are as follows:

The student will:

Know the scientific terms, fundamental units and basic principles of physics related
to medicine and allied sciences.

Be aware of some apparatus and understand the techniques used in the solution of
some of the medical science problems.

Be able to understand and interpret information presented in tables, graphs and
mathematical equations.

Be capable of understanding how main facts and generalizations can provide
explanations of familiar phenomena in the human body.

Be able to present the results at practical work in the form of complete,
understandable and objective reports.
Learning Resources:

Recommended textbook is:

Physics, 3rd edition by Joseph W. Kane and Morton M, Sternheim,
John Wiely and Sons, New York, 1988.

Supplemental textbooks are:
a. Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology by Russel K.
Hobbie, Brad Roth October 2006.

b. College Physics, by Giambattista, Alan, 2004.
c. Medical Physics, by John R. Cameron and James G. Skofronick
A. Wiley – Intrinsic Publication, John Wiley and Sons, New
York, 1978.


i. Methods
1. Homework and Reports
2. Continuous Assessments
3. Final Exam (written and OSPE)
ii. Grading : Distribution of examination marks
iii. Examination Type
1. Oral
2. Mixed written exam: MCQ’s, problems and short essay
The evaluation will be weighted as follows:

Quizz at the 8th week of the semester 20 degrees
Continuous assessment, home work and oral exam 20 degrees
Final Exam (practical-OSPE) 20 degrees
Final Exam (written) 40 degrees

Total 100 degrees


آخر تحديث
1/27/2009 2:39:42 PM